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Amazing before and after projects (and link up your own!)

Well hello! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! I'm back today with the Before and After Party for the month of February and have some awesome projects to share with you from last month.

I invited you all to link up your favorite projects from 2016 and you guys did not disappoint! I found a ton to share with you today. You can link up your recent before and afters at the bottom of the post.

Lisa found a dark wood table at the consignment store and shares how she transformed it into a beautiful farmhouse table instead:

Pam shared her spring tour (which has me ready for green grass again!) from 2016, and I always DROOL over her gorgeous DIY vent hood:

She links to how they did that project in the post. I just love it!

I can't remember if I've shared Denise's master closet makeover, but even if I have, it's worth showing off again:
I love some good organization!

If you love it too, you'll have to check out this amazing closet that Samantha organized: 

Wow, it is gorgeous! I'm picking my jaw off the floor. Samantha gives some great organizing tips in that post as well. 

Kris shared her stunning family room makeover:

You have to check out her beautiful TV wall as well! It's all so well done. 

I loved Kristen's eclectic kitchen makeover:

That backsplash tile is gorgeous and I love the wood tone on the island. Beautiful! 

Angela shared her pretty bedroom makeover:
Everything is so light and beautiful...what a lovely space to sleep in!

And finally, Jenny shared a bunch of her favorites from 2016, including her son's bedroom makeover:

You know I love that dark accent wall! Love that "X" detail over the window too! 

See? So many awesome projects! Now let's see what you've been up to so far this year! If you'd like to be considered for next month's round up, be sure to include a link to TDC in your post or copy and paste this code:  

<div align="center"><a href="" title="TDC Before and After" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="TDC Before and After" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Now let's see what you've got for this month!


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